Disgraceful things are happening on the Polish-Belarusian border. The Ocalenie Foundation has been working on the site since the beginning of the crisis, because we believe that a safe border is a border where no one dies. We keep monitoring the situation, providing humanitarian and legal aid to refugees, informing the public about the situation and advocating for an end to this humanitarian crisis. We have opened a temporary office of our Foundation on the spot. We employ all the knowledge and experience the Foundation has gained during 21 years of operation. Please support
our activities.
Due to the situation at the border, the needs exceed our available financial resources. Please make a one-off donation or set up a recurring monthly transfer to help us continue operating effectively in the long run.
If you do not want to use the payment form above, you can also take part in our fundraiser on Facebook or make a traditional bank transfer. Our account number is: PL 11 1750 0009 0000 0000 2156 6004. BIC/SWIFT for international transfers: PPABPLPKXXX. Details can be found here.
You can also organize a fundraiser, raising awareness about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, at your workplace, parish, group of friends or any other group. You may use Facebook or for online activities - on both platforms you can create your own fundraiser to collect money for Ocalenie Foundation, under our patronage. Click links for more details.
If you do not want to use the payment form above, you can also take part in our fundraiser on Facebook or make a traditional bank transfer. Our account number is: PL 11 1750 0009 0000 0000 2156 6004. BIC/SWIFT for international transfers: PPABPLPKXXX. Details can be found here.
You can also organize a fundraiser, raising awareness about the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, at your workplace, parish, group of friends or any other group. You may use Facebook or for online activities - on both platforms you can create your own fundraiser to collect money for Ocalenie Foundation, under our patronage. Click links for more details.
Make in-kind donations
If you want to organize a collection of in-kind donations, please contact us by e-mail:
[email protected]. Describe in which city and on what scale you want to organize the collection. We will tell you what is currently needed and how and where to deliver the donations. Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept individual packages at the moment. If you want to send one, please check the list of organizations conducting collections.
We are currently not collecting in-kind donations - we have all the equipment we need. Thank you! When our stocks run low, we will let you know.
Please do not send items when there is no ongoing collection. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to sort them, nor the place to store them.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept individual packages at the moment. If you want to send one, please check the list of organizations conducting collections.
We are currently not collecting in-kind donations - we have all the equipment we need. Thank you! When our stocks run low, we will let you know.
Please do not send items when there is no ongoing collection. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to sort them, nor the place to store them.
Raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis and express your objection
Join a protest or an event in your town or organize one yourself. Check the
list of upcoming events. For example, in Warsaw, we encourage you to write messages on the pavement in front of the Border Guard Headquarters at Aleja Niepodleglosci 100.
Talk to your friends and family, explain the situation and challenge fake news, whether when meeting in person or on social media.
If you have the opportunity to contact international media and organizations and interest them in the situation, please do so.
Talk to your friends and family, explain the situation and challenge fake news, whether when meeting in person or on social media.
If you have the opportunity to contact international media and organizations and interest them in the situation, please do so.
Help us pressure Polish MPs, the prime minister, the president, the minister of interior and administration and the Border Guard. Comment on their posts on social media, write emails and letters. Let them feel constant pressure. It is really important.
If you represent a community, institution, workplace, or local government, you can prepare an open letter expressing your opinion and calling for providing humanitarian aid to refugees.
If you represent a community, institution, workplace, or local government, you can prepare an open letter expressing your opinion and calling for providing humanitarian aid to refugees.
Help locally
Do you live near the border?
You can help in many ways!
Remember that sharing food, water, dry clothes, providing first aid to those in need, or lending a telephone to call a family is legal. It is also legal to provide information on how to apply for international protection and explain the legal consequences of such application. However, it is illegal to smuggle people and help in this practice. Driving foreigners or providing them with a telephone in order to contact a person arranging transport may be interpreted as facilitating human trafficking. If you have any questions in this regard, or if you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us!
We need permanent bases in the border region, outside the exclusion zone. If you have a house there that you would like to rent us, or you would like to finance the rent, please contact us.
Do you live in Warsaw? You can help us support refugees who are already in Poland. Detailed information can be found here.
Do you live in another part of Poland? Get in touch with organizations or initiatives helping refugees in your region and ask how you can support them!
Remember that sharing food, water, dry clothes, providing first aid to those in need, or lending a telephone to call a family is legal. It is also legal to provide information on how to apply for international protection and explain the legal consequences of such application. However, it is illegal to smuggle people and help in this practice. Driving foreigners or providing them with a telephone in order to contact a person arranging transport may be interpreted as facilitating human trafficking. If you have any questions in this regard, or if you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us!
We need permanent bases in the border region, outside the exclusion zone. If you have a house there that you would like to rent us, or you would like to finance the rent, please contact us.
Do you live in Warsaw? You can help us support refugees who are already in Poland. Detailed information can be found here.
Do you live in another part of Poland? Get in touch with organizations or initiatives helping refugees in your region and ask how you can support them!
Share your skills
If you are an attorney-at-law or solicitor and you want to donate your skills, please contact us!
We are also looking for translators and interpreters of the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Kurmanji, Sorani and Pashto, to Polish or English.
If you are a medic willing to help, contact the initiative Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM.
Volunteers to help provide humanitarian aid at the border are not needed at the moment. Our trained team is sufficient. Unfortunately, our ability to act is limited by the state of emergency and the lack of access to the areas right next to the border.
If you want to become our volunteer, check out our current postings
We are also looking for translators and interpreters of the following languages: Arabic, Farsi, Kurmanji, Sorani and Pashto, to Polish or English.
If you are a medic willing to help, contact the initiative Poland Emergency Medical Team PCPM.
Volunteers to help provide humanitarian aid at the border are not needed at the moment. Our trained team is sufficient. Unfortunately, our ability to act is limited by the state of emergency and the lack of access to the areas right next to the border.
If you want to become our volunteer, check out our current postings
Do you have any further questions about what is happening at the border? Do you want to offer help? Call or email us! We have launched a special infoline and e-mail address:
tel. 577 045 088
[email protected]
The infoline working hours:
Monday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM CET
Tuesday 10:30 AM - 12:00
Wednesday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Friday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Due to the volume of messages, it may take us a while to reply - please be patient. We apologize in advance for possible delays.
Contact for media:
tel.: 881 280 409
[email protected]
tel. 577 045 088
[email protected]
The infoline working hours:
Monday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM CET
Tuesday 10:30 AM - 12:00
Wednesday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Friday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Due to the volume of messages, it may take us a while to reply - please be patient. We apologize in advance for possible delays.
Contact for media:
tel.: 881 280 409
[email protected]